Welcome! RUTA-HC’s mission is to develop and advance transportation solutions that positively impact community health through behavioral changes. For our group, advances refer to improvements in transportation infrastructure, policies, and services that significantly impact people’s access to healthcare services, healthy food options, and opportunities for physical activity, ultimately contributing to a healthier life. You can learn more about the group’s past and present research here.
The PI of RUTA-HC is Dr. Lisa L. Losada-Rojas. As of Fall 2024, she is an assistant professor at the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at The University of New Mexico. She was previously a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto St. George Campus in Canada. She completed her BS in Civil Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Colombia and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Purdue University, with a concentration in Transportation.

Adrianna Fragozo Thesis Defense

Adrianna Fragozo successfully defended her Master´s thesis related with microtransit planning and implementation factors in rural areas.
CATE 2024

James Rawson presented the results of naturalistic cyclist stress and mental workload experiments at CATE.
ASCE T&DI 2024

Dr. Losada-Rojas presented arterial road features impacting pedestrian and bicyclist crashes in Albuquerque at ASCE T&DI.
UNM ITE Meeting

RUTA-HC Students were part of the first meeting for the UNM ITE Chapter, with Jay Jaay and Adrianna serving as President and Vice-President, respectively.
ASCE 2024 and ITE 2024

Adrianna presented the findings of the ongoing research on microtransit systems in rural areas at ASCE 2024.
Yully Chaves Thesis Defense

Yully Chaves succesfully defended her Master´s thesis related with factors affecting arterial road crashes involving vulnerable road users.